

  • Serves as an information clearing house and resource center, giving ALANA* students easy and direct access to important information 
  • Provides ALANA students with tools essential for their success on and off campus 
  • Assists ALANA students in the resolution of academic and personal problems 
  • 充当“桥梁”, connecting ALANA students to other members of the college and the community-at-large
  • Provides a place for ALANA students to share and discuss experiences, and to validate or invalidate the interpretation of those experiences
  • Articulates the Jesuit commitment to ALANA students in higher education 

*African American, Latinx American, Asian American & 印第安人



The Cultural Times Bulletin (CTB)

The Cultural Times Bulletin (CTB) has been in publication since the early 1990’s, and it has served as a means to highlight ALANA students, 校友, 俱乐部, 和编程, through staff and student article contributions. 

