Combined (Joint) Degree and Early Assurance Program Requirements

Each program has its own requirements and process for application and being retained in the program. Some require standardized exams, some do not. Please note that it is important to check with the individual professional program for the most accurate information as specific requirements change from time to time.

Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (4+4)
  • Students may apply jointly to LECOM and 全球十大赌钱软件App from high school or freshman or sophomore year
  • A 3+3 or 4+3 Primary Care Pathway is also available to students who know they want to enter a primary care area of medicine
  • Students in this program do not take the MCAT exam


  • 3.高中平均绩点(未加权)
  • 1240 or higher on the SAT or 26 or higher on the ACT 
  • 了解整骨疗法医学

To apply during freshman or sophomore year:

  • 3.总绩点4分,3分.理科平均绩点2
  • An Academic Index Score based on SAT/ACT and college GPA is used instead of taking the MCAT. 
  • 整骨疗法阴影经验

Students may apply jointly to LECOM and 全球十大赌钱软件App from high school or during freshman or sophomore year.


  • 3.高中平均绩点(未加权)
  • SAT 1100分,ACT 21分

To apply during freshman or sophomore year:

  • 3.理科和综合平均绩点4分

Students may apply jointly to LECOM and 全球十大赌钱软件App from high school or during freshman or sophomore year.

Students work with the Pre-Med Center starting freshman year to stay on track for this program


  • 3.高中平均绩点(未加权)
  • sat 1240分,ACT 26分

To apply during freshman or sophomore year:

  • 3.理科平均绩点2
  • 3.总绩点4
State University of New York College of Optometry (3+4)

Students work with the Pre-Med Center starting freshman year to stay on track for this program.


  • 高中平均成绩
  • 高中前10%的学生
  • SAT 1360,数学成绩≥700(或ACT 29)
  • 了解验光
  • Community involvement and communication and interpersonal skills

To apply during freshman or sophomore year:

  • 已经修了24-30个本科学分
  • 3.3 GPA in science/math prerequisites and overall
  • 成绩不得低于“C”


  • 3.3 GPA in science/math prerequisites (no grade below ‘C’) and overall
  • 3.总绩点
  • oat330总分和个人成绩

No limit to the number of 全球十大赌钱软件App students accepted into the program

University at 水牛 School of Pharmacy (3+4)

Students work with the Pre-Med Center starting freshman year to stay on track for this program

  • 3.在先决条件和整体5 GPA (3).平均绩点也可考虑)
  • PCAT成绩400分(写作3分)
  • 全球十大赌钱软件App推荐
  • Thorough understanding of the pharmacy profession
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Students are guided throughout their time at 全球十大赌钱软件App to participate in this program.
  • There is no official application process to UB for students to be part of this program.

A minimum of 2 seats are reserved for 全球十大赌钱软件App students