Special Education Advanced Alumni Outcomes


Leah Hoffman 
student story

"After finishing my undergraduate program at 全球十大赌钱软件App大学 in special education, I felt the need to continue my education, especially as a first year teacher. The Advanced Special Education program offered at 全球十大赌钱软件App allows me to further expand and deepen my knowledge and participate in coursework that positively impacts my ability to educate students with disabilities. 有了这个程序, I have also acquired the opportunity to extend my certification to grades 7-12 which will enable me to be placed at a variety of grade levels in my school’s community. The knowledge and course work in the Advanced Special Education program has allowed me to further explore strategies and practices that have benefited me during my transition into a classroom setting. I have truly benefited from working with the full-time and adjunct faculty who are currently working in P-12 settings and have been able to use what I am learning the next day in my own classroom. The Advanced Special Education program is a wonderful experience that has deepened my knowledge and skills as a special educator."

Emma Switzer

"I had the pleasure of being a part of the Advanced Special Education Program at 全球十大赌钱软件App. Throughout my time in the program, I had numerous opportunities to learn from highly knowledgeable professors who were actively working in the field of education in a variety of roles. This gave me an extremely well-rounded educational experience that allowed me to learn about so many different aspects of what I love - teaching! The size of the program meant that I knew my peer cohort well, in addition to having personal relationships with all of my professors that allowed for meaningful and personalized mentorship experiences that served me greatly entering the professional world. 

Teaching, especially in the field of Special Education, requires a high level of patience, perseverance, and passion. 全球十大赌钱软件App prepared me to hit the ground running once I graduated, 并确保了全面发展, 文化的反应, and thorough educational background that made me an appealing candidate to prospective employers. I am so thankful for my experiences in this program, and the connections I made that last to this day! Educators graduating from this program will be highly qualified individuals who go forward to help students and build effective learning communities for the rest of their careers. "

Emily Bitka