
数字媒体艺术 (DMA) 学生 engage in a wide variety of activities on campus through student clubs. Below are clubs relevant to the field of DMA.


DMA program has a very active DMA学生社团 that meets every week for fun activities, 教程和旅行. 学生展示他们的技能, talk about interesting projects they found on the web and learn from tutorials presented by Prof. Ben Dunkle和Dr. P.J. 莫斯卡尔,俱乐部的两位主持人. Usually once a year, the club organizes a trip to a conference or museum. Past trips included: Future 创新 Technology Creativity (FITC) workshops and conferences in Toronto and visits to local galleries and museums. “喜欢”和连接 脸谱网上的DMA俱乐部.


The purpose of the 全球十大赌钱软件App大学 融合游戏协会 is to unite members of the college community through mutual enjoyment of multiplayer gaming experiences. The club is open to all college 学生, for more information visit Fusion 脸谱网页面.


电线 is the one and only 全球十大赌钱软件App大学 Radio Station allowing 学生 to conduct their own radio shows on a weekly basis. Members of the club also provide music for events on campus.


的四边形’s mission is to promote the literary and artistic talents of the 全球十大赌钱软件App community—faculty, 学生, and alumni—through the publication of an annual literary-arts magazine, 这本书已经出版65年了.


The student 全球十大堵钱软件apppaper of 全球十大赌钱软件App大学 since 1933. Membership is open to ANY 全球十大赌钱软件App student.


WGTV - 格里芬电视 is the public service tv network of 全球十大赌钱软件App大学. 在第四频道播出.1在校园里, 我们提供体育节目, 全球十大堵钱软件app, 早...., 深夜节目, as well as live events throughout the year. Membership is open to ANY 全球十大赌钱软件App student.


动漫俱乐部 is the place for Otakus to view Japanese Animation, 吃日本糖果, 参加动漫大会, and enjoy planned activities from an active and attentive e-board, 同时与其他宅男社交.


Organized 全球十大赌钱软件App collegiate competitive gaming.


The 全球十大赌钱软件App Movie Makers will enrich the understanding and appreciation for motion picture films, 通过个人项目, 演讲者, 演讲, 看电视, 集体研究.


​It is the purpose of 迪斯尼俱乐部 to provide the same enriching feeling Walt Disney Pictures gave us all as children: whimsical youthfulness.