


辅修课程为宗教研究和神学 好吧 许多其他学科的研究. 

Students are encouraged to meet with the chair or relevant professor to design a minor that aligns with their interests. 我们特别鼓励未成年人选择与专业相结合的课程, 例如, 世界宗教以及国际关系或宗教和科学课程, 生物医学问题, 以及科学专业的环境.

未成年人是本科课程的重要组成部分.  If students declare a minor by sophomore year, they can usually complete it in a timely manner.  Students should work with their advisor to determine if it is possible that the minor can be completed by graduation.  

辅修课程, a student must complete at least 9 credit hours of coursework distinct from their major(s) and from other minors, and students must complete more than 50% of the coursework required for the minor at 全球十大赌钱软件App. Please note that “ancillary/supporting” courses required for a major may still count as distinct courses as long as the remaining coursework still meets the 30 credit-hours required for a major. 有关次要政策的更多信息,请参阅 申报专业和辅修 目录中的一页.



RST 101宗教研究和神学导论3
4门RST高级课程(200分或以上) 12


RST 101宗教研究和神学导论 3学分

An academic introduction to the nature and role of religion in human life and society, 包括耶稣会和天主教传统以及其他世界宗教.

提供: 秋天 & 春天.

RST 150 Exploring Your Spirituality: Discovering Your Personal Relationship with God 1信用

The course is intended to help students establish and/or re-kindle a sense of spirituality in their lives. 通过课程, students will develop an understanding of their personal spirituality and unique relationship with God.

并修课程: 没有一个.

提供: 偶尔.

RST 200希伯来圣经导论 3学分

介绍 to the literature of the Hebrew Bible within its ancient Near Eastern setting. Particular attention paid to historical, literary, cultural, and theological questions.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 领域1(宗教研究和神学),全球意识

提供: 偶尔.

RST 201新约导论 3学分

新约文学导论, 产生它的社会历史背景, 并将其作为研究早期基督教运动的历史资料.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 领域一(宗教研究及神学)

提供: 偶尔.

RST 219东正教历史 3学分


先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 领域1(宗教研究和神学),全球意识

提供: 偶尔.

RST 220亚洲宗教 3学分

This survey course will introduce students to the range and complexity of some of the religious traditions associated with South, 东南亚及东亚. Students will encounter a wide variety of primary and secondary sources describing these religious traditions and experiences, 包括神圣的文本, 神话, 中世纪祈祷诗, 和更多的.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 领域1(宗教研究和神学),全球意识

提供: 偶尔.

RST 221美洲原住民宗教 3学分

The nature of indigenous religions in Native American societies and the effect of cultural change through contact with other cultures.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 多样性,领域1(宗教研究和神学)

提供: 偶尔.

伊斯兰教:传统与复兴 3学分

在本课程中, 在介绍了伊斯兰教的基础之后, 我们将通过对伊斯兰经典的研究来研究这种多样性, 穆斯林文化, 社会制度, 宗教信仰, and Muslim and Western writings about them in order to better underst和伊斯兰教 and Muslims in the U.S. 在全世界. 也接受人类学的主要和次要学分.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 领域1(宗教研究和神学),全球意识

提供: 偶尔.

RST 229对动物的宗教观点 3学分

This course will focus on the historical and cultural relationship between the world's religions and the animal realm.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 领域一(宗教研究及神学)

提供: 偶尔.

今天的天主教信仰 3学分

本课程以信经为基础,探讨信仰的基本条文. 包括信仰本身, 《全球十大赌钱软件App》, church tradition; the one God as Trinity, 启示于耶稣, and present through the Holy Spirit; the church as a structured and prayerful community, 有七件圣礼.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 高级写作强化,领域1(宗教研究和神学)

提供: 偶尔.

RST 231介绍天主教研究 3学分

Major movements and personalities in Catholic theology, history, culture, and spirituality. 天主教会是如何变成今天这样的. 天主教的世界观及其与现代社会的关系.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 高级写作强化,领域1(宗教研究和神学)

提供: 偶尔.

RST 237电影与艺术中的耶稣形象 3学分

Development of artistic representations of Jesus and other Biblical persons along with Christian concepts and themes. Selection of European and American films as 好吧 as pertinent art from Western 基督教.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 领域一(宗教研究及神学)

提供: 偶尔.

RST 304妇女,性别和宗教:犹太教,基督教,伊斯兰教 3学分

This course examines the role of sacred texts and their interpretation in defining both women’s roles and their status as “women,“特别是在他们的身体方面, 三个相关的宗教传统:犹太教, 基督教, 和伊斯兰教. Emphasis will be placed on contemporary women’s re-interpretation and formation of positive female expressions of religious identity over and against patriarchal traditions and practices.

先决条件: RST 101 或hon111.

满足大学核心: 领域一(宗教研究及神学)

提供: 偶尔.

RST 312种族,民族和新约 3学分

This course will examine parts of the New Testament that engage issues of race and ethnicity, both to understand their ancient roots and their role in American history of slavery and civil rights. Attention will also be paid to the construction of anti-Semiticism in 基督教 from these passages.

先决条件: RST 101 或hon111.

满足大学核心: 领域一(宗教研究及神学)

提供: 偶尔.

RST 314《全球十大堵钱软件app》 3学分

New Testament themes and personalities analyzed from a scriptural perspective and compared with expressions in the arts. 宗教与艺术的关系,基督教艺术的圣经根源.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 领域一(宗教研究及神学)

提供: 偶尔.

RST 325早期基督教 3学分

Historical study of the development of 基督教 from its first century roots to its rise as the dominant religion of the Roman Empire.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 高级写作强化,领域1(宗教研究和神学), Global Awareness

提供: 偶尔.

今天的道德问题 3学分

Inquiry into Catholic theological moral theories and exploration of several moral problems.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 伦理,领域1(宗教研究和神学)

提供: 偶尔.

天主教社会伦理:神学观点 3学分

Study of the principles of Catholic Social Teachings articulated in papal and episcopal documents with contemporary applications.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 高级写作强化,领域1(宗教研究和神学),正义

提供: 偶尔.

rst345生物道德问题 3学分

Inquiry into Catholic theological moral theories and application of theories to problems raised by bioethics and by health care.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 伦理,领域1(宗教研究和神学)

提供: 偶尔.

RST 347生态学 3学分

Critical investigation of Christian theologies’ messages about and methods of engaging environments.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 领域1(宗教研究和神学),口头交流

提供: 偶尔.

《苦难的问题 3学分

Suffering confronts each individual in illness, broken relationships, failures, drug abuse and death. 这门课讲的是上帝是如何在苦难中活跃的.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 领域一(宗教研究及神学)

提供: 偶尔.

RST 360魔法、科学和宗教 3学分

This course will introduce students to some of the diverse ways that cultures of the world create meaning from the chaos of the apprehended world, as 好吧 as some of the approaches that scholars of religion utilize to understand those processes. 我们将不仅关注“异域”社会和民族, 同时也要探索魔法的意义, 科学和宗教在我们熟悉的当代北美.

先决条件: RST 101 或同等学历.

满足大学核心: 领域1(宗教研究和神学),全球意识

提供: 偶尔.

RST 496实习 3学分

Combination of teaching or religious work with special readings and theological reflection, 在系教师的指导下. 实习需要申请并得到副院长的批准.

先决条件: RST 101 & 得到系主任双方的同意 & 副院长. 限制: must be a religious studies and theology major or minor or obtain permission of the instructor.

提供: 秋天 & 春天.

rst499独立研究 1 - 3学分

Independent studies allow in-depth study of a specific topic and are most often reserved for seniors who cannot otherwise fulfill a graduation requirement. 独立研究需要申请并得到副院长的批准.

先决条件: 经导师、系主任、 & 副院长.

教师 & 工作人员