
Alyssa Palombo, 11届 

你主修什么专业?? 英语与创意写作

你现在在哪里工作? 我是布法罗校园实验室的校园支持专家,也是一名小说家.

为了我的日常工作, 我爱我的同事——我是一个伟大团队的一员, 我们在一起工作得很好,也有一些乐趣. 至于成为小说家, 好吧, 写作是我最喜欢做的事情, 能够出版就像梦想成真一样. 我喜欢创造新的故事,生活在新的和不同的世界里. I love that my words have reached readers and that they’ve connected with something I’ve written. 这对我来说意味着一切.

我们来谈谈阅读吧. 哪本书真正对你产生了影响? 
菲利普斯·格雷戈里的《全球十大堵钱软件app》. 我一直喜欢历史小说, but when I first read that book in high school I had a bit of an epiphany and realized that that was the genre I most wanted to write.

我只能选一个??!!? 我喜欢见到安·帕切特,听她讲话, 因为她是我最喜欢的作家,也是我非常欣赏的作家. 我在卡尼修斯的时候也上了很多音乐课, so the days I spent bopping from lesson to lesson and in and out of practice rooms were pretty great.

我也有在那里遇到一些非常好的朋友的美好回忆, 他们中的许多人至今仍与我关系密切. 没有他们,我的生活就不一样了!

不要犹豫,去追求你所热爱的. Don’t put it off for that mythical “someday” when everyone thinks they’ll have “more time”. If there’s a dream you want to achieve – whether it’s being an author or a musician or a doctor or a yoga teacher or a video game designer or ANYTHING – start working towards it now. 不要等到. 总有很多理由不去追求某件事, 但如果你真的想要, 那么追求它的理由就更重要了.





我是West 44 Books和Rosen Classroom的副编辑主任, 印着罗森出版社. 我也是一本青少年小说的作者, 漫画小说, 以及数百本儿童非小说类书籍.


我喜欢每天写作. I love seeing a book through from the germ of an idea to a mistake-ridden manuscript to a shiny new printed book. I love working with authors and helping them to create something they’re really proud of. 对于我的许多小说作者来说,出版是梦想成真. 能参与其中是无价之宝.

我们来谈谈阅读吧. 哪本书真正对你产生了影响? 

这是一个很难回答的问题,因为我一直受到书籍的影响. 作为一名年轻的成年作家和编辑,我认为《全球十大堵钱软件app》这本书对我有很大的影响, 婴儿, Deb Caletti的《全球十大堵钱软件app》. 然而, East of Eden is my favorite classic; it taught me about good and evil and hardship and perseverance. 


太多了,数不清! I think my favorite memory was the moment right before we unveiled the 60th 四边形. 大四的时候我是总编, 和所有其他编辑和工作人员在揭幕前举杯. 感觉就像一个亲密关系和创造性庆祝的美妙时刻.


保持写作! 努力工作. 接触那些擅长自己工作的人. 联系那些需要你的写作搭档或建议的人. 让自己置身于一群作家之中. 而且要友善——这在出版界和生活中都大有帮助.



我目前在宾夕法尼亚州立大学工作, 我在那里攻读英国文学博士学位.


当我在加尼修斯大学读本科的时候, focused more on strengthening on our own thoughts and arguments than outside research.  I think this actually gives me an advantage in regards to producing original thinking in my work, but one thing I hadn’t really had the chance to experience was going to the library, 梳理书堆, seeing all the different scholarship that’s been written on nearly any facet of a field you could imagine, and then ultimately engaging with that scholarship in a way that intervenes with the discourse.  这是一次很酷的经历和机会.  I’m also greatly looking forward to teaching and being able to share some of my knowledge of language and rhetoric with a new wave of university students.

我们来谈谈阅读吧. 哪本书真正对你产生了影响?

Perhaps the best way to answer this question is to discuss the book that got me into graduate school and set me down my current path.  《全球十大堵钱软件app》是威廉·威尔斯·布朗于1853年写的,是我读过的一本书. 德西德里奥的课.  这本小说,以及Dr. 奥,, got me to think about ways in which we can learn new things from older novels and how I as a scholar can enter into conversations about how readers can, 也许应该, 解读文本.  目前, my focus is early 20th century African American literature and how we can use those texts to think about various aspects of political solidarity, and I really think the seeds for a lot of my work were planted in my engagement with Clotel.


这是另一个我可以给出很多答案的问题.  我想说我最难忘的记忆是在我大二的时候“q轰炸”校园.  我不知道他们是否还允许q轰炸, but at least during my sophomore year it was when we used a machine to cut out letter Q’s from construction paper, 写下了四合院揭幕的时间和地点, 然后把它们贴在校园里.  这段回忆是我最喜欢的,原因有三:一, 我和系里最亲密的朋友一起做的, and often who you do things with is more important than what you do; two, 我们这么做是为了推广四合院, 我认为我最美好的大学记忆大多来自课外活动, since that’s often really where you get to apply the things you work on in the classroom; and three, it was just plain fun to see where to best strategically place the Q’s so they would be most visible.


找到工作与生活的平衡点.  你肯定不想在工作中把自己累垮, 但你也应该抵制停止工作的诱惑.  我绝对是那种更容易让自己精疲力竭的人, but I’ve seen a lot of people whose response to stress is simply to shut down their engagement with their classroom expectations.  Work-life balance starts with making sure you’re doing something that you genuinely enjoy, and I would advise anyone who doesn’t genuinely enjoy their major to strongly consider switching to something else.  

Try to find at least one person that you confide in completely and who can challenge you to be your best version of yourself.  You have to find people and experiences that will fulfill you as a person and not substitute those with experiences that will only leave you temporarily satisfied.  事情并不总是看起来像这样, but I promise that for most people there is a way to balance out taking care of yourself and taking care of your responsibilities, especially if what you’re doing in college already overlaps with what you enjoy in life.




I love how working in Subsidiary Rights allows me to interact with other departments within Writers House, U.S. 出版社和国际机构. 了解哪种类型的游戏适合哪个国家, and what that means for the titles that Writers House represents is both part of the work and a reward for being invested in it.

我们来谈谈阅读吧. 哪本书真正对你产生了影响? 
对于这个问题,我会特别提到选择题. 梅根·麦克道尔(Megan McDo好吧)译自西班牙语, 亚历杭德罗·赞布拉的小说采用了智利标准化考试的形式. The questions and their answers form various stories about family, adolescence, school, and morality. This has made a difference because it has shown me that a bold format can be just as engaging as a traditional one, 而且我个人喜欢我的故事是如何运作的想法得到检验.  也, because it has cemented my notion that one of the best parts of Subsidiary Rights is being connected to publishing around the world. Reading a translation like this reminds me that there is just as much perspective to gain when we read narratives from different countries. 

这是我大四最后一个月的必读书目. 站在领奖台上讲述我的故事一如既往地令人神经紧张, 但这次阅读感觉像是对整个大学经历的庆祝. 我读到的时候, I was telling my fellow classmates and the audience that this is where the many drafts, 讨论, 修订导致了. 

收集尽可能多的观点. 无论是通过阅读还是与他人交谈, 或者两者都有(最好是两者都有), 努力学习与你无关的生活方式和文化. If you’re someone that is already aware that there are thousands of experiences that you aren’t privy to, then that is great and something that you will need as you broaden your social and professional circles. 如果你不这么想的话, 那就该开始了, and to grow with the understanding that you are not an entire world but part of an immense one. 

还有,不要扔掉你未完成的故事. 你永远不知道什么时候会有台词, 段, 或者角色可能会回到你的脑海中,并完美地适应其他地方.