
在出现在课堂上, 完成作业,准备考试, 你努力学习来获得学分. 我们尊重你所做的工作, 所以当你转到卡尼修斯时, 我们会申请尽可能多的学分. Follow our guide below to determine which tool is best for you and next steps to take. 



To get a sense of how many of your classes will count toward 全球十大赌钱软件App credit, 请使用以下两种工具之一:

非官方信贷工具. Use this tool to map out your courses for future semesters and review equivalencies from any school from which we've accepted transfer credit before.

信用等价物快速查找. Use this tool to look up classes from common two- and four-year schools around Western and Central New York. 


申请非官方信用评估. Work directly with a transfer admissions counselor to get a more precise estimate. Completed evaluations will be emailed to you within two weeks of your request.


  • 使用一个 信贷协议 to find credits for your specific major (not liberal arts/general studies).
  • 使用一个 指导表 如果你是文科和理科/通识专业的学生.




加尼修斯是我们军队的骄傲支持者. Most veterans receive some form of college credit from their time in service, 包括基础训练, 专业岗位培训, 领导力培训, 还有更多. 一定要提交你的联合服务成绩单, 空军社区学院成绩单, or any other forms of military credit when you apply for transfer admissions at 全球十大赌钱软件App


Students achieving a three or higher on a College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Test will normally earn at least elective credit toward their 全球十大赌钱软件App degree. (全球十大赌钱软件App reserves the right to deny credit for a three in a particular Advanced Placement Test if subsequent student performance in relevant courses at 全球十大赌钱软件App has provided evidence that the score does not demonstrate college-level competence.) Core curriculum credit for such courses is subject to approval by the 教务处, and credit in the major is subject to approval of course equivalency by the major department or program. 考试的正式成绩必须从学校寄出 大学委员会 加尼修斯才能获得学分. All such requests should be directed to the 学生记录和财务服务 Center, 谁会根据需要咨询专业或部门.



全球十大赌钱软件App大学 grants academic credit for the following International Baccalaureate work.

• A five or higher on a Higher Level exam counts as two three-credit courses – one field in the 核心课程 and one free elective (unless a department recognizes specific course equivalencies).
• A five or higher on a Standard Level exam counts as a three-credit free elective.
• An IB diploma will be recognized with 30 credits of work at 全球十大赌钱软件App, 大学预科的最高学分是多少.

Official IB exam scores should be sent directly to the 学生记录和财务服务 Center to have individual diploma exams evaluated to determine specific transfer credit to be applied toward major, 核心课程, 或选修课程要求. Major credit will be determined in consultation with department chairs. Students will not receive additional credit for AP exams that duplicate credit awarded for the IB exams.




Students who are applying for admission or who are presently in attendance may obtain credit for previously completed examinations sponsored by the 大学水平考试计划(CLEP) of the 大学委员会. The minimum acceptable grades for these exams are “pass” for exams graded pass/fail, “C”代表字母等级的考试, 在标准分数线20到80分的考试中获得50分. CLEP一般考试不获学分. Credit in appropriate subject area exams is granted by the 学生记录和财务服务 Center after the student has matriculated. 然而,并不是所有的CLEP考试都可以作为转学分. 除了, credits to be used in fulfilling departmental major requirements must first be approved in writing by the department chair. 学生应该计划完成所有的课程在卡尼修斯. Permission for matriculating students to take CLEP exams to fulfill degree requirements must be requested from the appropriate associate dean and will be granted only under extraordinary circumstances.


  • A 最多66学时 可以从 两年的大学, and at least 60 more credit hours must be earned at 全球十大赌钱软件App in order to be awarded the bachelor’s degree.
  • 四年的机构 可以转吗? 最多90学分 并且必须在全球十大赌钱软件App完成至少30个学分, 包括至少18个专业, 为了获得学士学位.
  • Transfer credit from accredited two- and 四年的机构 of higher education is granted when the course objectives for the completed work are substantially the same as the course objectives at 全球十大赌钱软件App. Transfer credit is awarded only for courses with a minimum grade of C- or better.
    • 如果你已经获得了副学士学位, all courses with a minimum grade of D or better will be considered for transfer credit.
  • 教师资格证候选人, a grade of C or better is required to transfer courses listed as major courses in teacher education, 特殊教育, 健康教育, 运动训练项目.
  • Once transcripts have been submitted to and reviewed by the 学生记录和财务服务 Center, the student will meet with an assistant/associate dean to review the transfer credit and register for classes.
  • The original grades in transferred courses will not be calculated into the 全球十大赌钱软件App GPA, 但学分将用于本专业, 核心课程, or as free electives (counting toward the 120 credit-hour requirement for the bachelor’s degree).