

No. 任何专业的学士学位都可以.

Do I need to be a recent graduate to be eligible?

No. Professionals and career changers as well as recent graduates are eligible.


该课程将在两年内完成. Residents maintain FT student status in year 1 and 2 and apprentice in a school FT in year 2.


教师实习项目, 通过定义, school-serving teacher education programs that pair a rigorous full-year classroom apprenticeship with masters-level education content. 以住院医师模式为基础, teacher preparation programs provide residents with both the underlying theory of effective teaching and a year-long, in-school “residency” in which they practice and hone their skills and knowledge alongside an effective teacher-mentor in a high-need classroom.  教师居民的工资是27美元,000-$31,000 teacher assistant salary that is paid by the partner school during the teacher residency year. 



No. At this time, placements are made in grades 1-6. All residents have the option of earning certification extensions in both middle school and early childhood.

What certifications are available through the program?

Residents will pursue certification in Childhood (grades 1-6) and Special 教育 (grades K-12) or TESOL (grades K-12). An early childhood extension and middle childhood extension are also available options.


教师 at the college and school administrators identify highly skilled teachers to serve as mentor teachers through a mentor teacher selection process. Mentors and residents go through a matching process to determine strong matches. The matches are made in the spring of year one. 实习期从第二年秋天开始.





All individuals interested in working in urban elementary schools. Special consideration will be given to candidates who understand the lived experiences of the children they may teach and display a passion for teaching.


入学是有选择性的. The process consists of an application, written component, and an interview.


Candidates who meet entrance requirements and are accepted into the program receive a 30% discount off of graduate tuition. Candidates are also eligible for the TEACH grant as well as a BUTF Scholarship, 包括10美元,000-$15,000 of graduate tuition in the second year of the program.


The coursework for the 卡尼修斯大学教师实习 program mirrors that of the MSEd in Childhood (grades 1-6) and Special 教育 (grades K-12) or TESOL (grades K-12) programs.