
数学 and statistics provide the essential foundation for an array of different career fields, 包括科学/工程, 金融, 医学, 教育. If problem solving engages you and if you are interested in further developing your analytical skills, consider the 数学 and Statistics program.

Choose from three different tracks in a program designed to build a strong mathematical foundation no matter what career path you take. The mathematics track prepares you for the real world or advanced degree work requiring rigorous mathematical competence. You may choose to dual major with another major such as economics, computer science or 教育. The statistics track prepares you for advanced work in any career that requires statistical competency, 比如统计学家, 精算师, 或者数据科学家.

The program also offers courses to satisfy the 教育al requirements of the Society of Actuaries, as well as courses that prepare you to take first two actuarial exams. 除了, you can participate in individual research projects and student-run seminars and secure internships with area financial institutions and businesses.


  • MAT 111/112/211:微积分I, II, III
  • MAT 150:数学和政治
  • MAT 230:逻辑、集合论和证明
  • MAT 345:气候与可持续发展
  • MAT 353:回归分析
  • MAT 361/362: Probability for Actuaries and Financial 数学 for Actuaries


The world-class program is taught in the college’s newest facility, 科学大厅, designed with the state-of-the-art technology utilized by today’s professionals in mathematics and statistics. Program graduates have a consistently high acceptance rate into math and statistics graduate programs and work as actuaries, 分析师, 计算机专家, 研究人员, 统计学家, or hold positions in the banking and health insurance industries.

福布斯最近发布了他们的 “15大最有价值专业” list, with rankings based primarily on salary and projected job growth over the next several years.  Their results include #10 Applied 数学, #11 数学, and #15 Statistics.

U.S. 全球十大堵钱软件app & World Report ranked 数学 # 5 in their list of "College Majors With the Best Starting Salaries".


See how students benefit from internships, the math club and tutoring opportunities.
Students conduct individual research under faculty guidance, 并在学生研讨会上发表演讲, 而且经常, 在地区性或全国性会议上.